22.Feb.2019 | Press release
Presentato al Senato il primo prototipo per sondaggi, ricerche e indagini sanitarie a prova di fake e di rischi informatici.Annunciata anche la partnership con Iqvia per farmaci sicuri e tracciabili e trial clinici immutabili. Sileri (M5S): “Blockchain fondamentale...
22.Feb.2019 | Press release
Formazione ECM certificata, tracciabilità della crioconservazione delle cellule staminali e una partnership con il provider globale di dati sanitari Iqvia sulla trasparenza della supply chain farmaceutica e sulla garanzia dell’inalterabilità dei trial clinici....
21.Feb.2019 | Press release
Rome, 21st February 2019. Blockchain in healthcare, Tortorella (Consulcesi): “This is a real trust chain”. “Blockchain in healthcare: opportunities and prospects” meeting in the Italian Senate. Present Pierpaolo Sileri, President of the Senate’s Health...
21.Feb.2019 | Press release
“Survey chain” project has been presented in the italian senate: the Consulcesi Tech prototype is immediately availableThe partnership with IQVIA has been announced for safe and traceable medicines and immutable clinical trials Audited health surveys, certified ECM...
21.Feb.2019 | Press release
Verified health surveys, certified ECM education, stem cells cryopreservation traceability and guarantee of pharmaceutical supply chain: Consulcesi Tech submits the Healthcare digital revolution during the meeting called “Blockchain in Healthcare: opportunities and...
11.Feb.2019 | Press release
The event will take place in the room “ISMA” (Italian Republic Senate), Thursday, February 21, 2019, 09,30 a.m.This is a great occasion to talk about the opportunities of Blockchain technology applied to healthcare and, above all, the future prospects in...