Blockchain will save Italian food (and our health)


Goodbye “Parmesan” and “mozzarille”. The future of food traceability is already here and it is called Blockchain. The phenomenon of Italian sounding (the use of geographical names, images and brands that evoke Italy in products that have nothing made in Italy) steal from Italy 65 billion euros every year. And it is an important issue also in the political debate about CETA, the free-trade agreement between the European Union and Canada: it opened again the debate about the need to protect “made in” from American imitations.

But the solution exists and is called Blockchain technology, as Andrea Tortorella, CEO of Consulcesi Tech and author of the book “Crypto-Revelation” explains: «Thanks to this new technology, the food chain becomes totally traceable, by identifying each product with a unique code full of information, from the origin of the raw materials to the way of transportation before arriving on the supermarket shelves».

But how can this affect our health? «Let’s think about, for example, those who suffer from celiac disease – answers Andrea Tortorella -: thanks to the Blockchain, they will be able to know whether an apparently harmless product has been transported with products made with traditional flours. And we can say the same for the organic sector, zero kilometer products, DOP certifications: everything will be verifiable. Virtuous companies and their products will be appreciated and food frauds that may have serious repercussions on our health will be fought».